Team building with

Insights Discovery

Our licensed Insights® Discovery Coaching for effective team development

With the methods of Insights Discovery, you can improve team building in your company, bring hidden potential to life, learn to understand yourself and other people better in order to recognise what makes you unique.

What is team building with Insights Discovery?

With Insights Discovery, self-awareness is the base of team development. Insights Discovery is a recognised psychometric tool based on the work of psychologist Carl Jung. Its effective methods help people to understand themselves and others and to make the most of this new acquired knowledge, that forms the basis for improving teamwork.

The Insights Discovery method uses a simple model consisting of four colours to help people understand their own style, their particular strengths and the value they bring to the team. Often referred to as colour energies, it is the individual mix of yellow, red, green and blue energies that determines how and why people behave the way they do.

Who is Insights Discovery suitable for?

Insights Discovery is suitable for everyone. It provides people with the foundation of self-knowledge they need to be successful in their professional activities, but also in their daily life. It serves as a base to develop personally, to work better as a member of a team, to be a better sales person or to lead other people successfully.


Participants in a team workshop at Insights Discovery learn to speak a common language, which brings many benefits for successful teamwork. They improve their ability to understand each other and thereby also improve their productivity.

Insights Discovery is suitable both for companies where employees are physically present and for those which support virtual work from a home office. It is a team-building activity that helps people to understand each other better, thereby fostering more productive working relationships and treating each other with more respect.

Each individual learns to better understand their own and others’ communication preferences.

Participants learn how to better network with their colleagues to significantly improve cooperation among themselves.

Participants learn to speak a common language that helps them to manage conflicts and successfully overcome challenges together.

How does a team workshop like this work?

Each of the participants receives a unique and detailed personal Insights Discovery profile, which forms the basis for a variety of different learning experiences – from individual coaching sessions to group workshops. Based on the profile, we work with your teams and leaders on the particular challenges that stand between the team members and their personal success. Specifically, team workshops address topics such as communication and leadership styles, as well as sales performance, and ensure an optimal environment that enables participants to deliver peak performance.

Improving team productivity

Working with the team, Insights Discovery looks at improving collaboration, communication and working relationships.

Increasing the effectiveness of individual workshop participants

In one-to-one coaching, Insights Discovery can help individual participants create a personal plan to increase effectiveness.

Increasing personal sales performance

After analysing the effectiveness of individual salespeople at each stage of the sales process, we develop actionable strategies to sustainably improve client relationships, making it easier for salespeople to achieve their goals.

Introducing a common language


The language of the four colours is quickly adopted by the team workshop participants. It is understandable as well as memorable and ensures that what is learned is well remembered.

What is the impact of Insights Discovery?

Insights Discovery does not only consist of the personal profile that everyone receives, which is already very helpful. It is mainly what the individual participants take with them when they return to their everyday lives. The real improvement will be felt in your organisation when what is learned from Insights Discovery teambuilding workshop is applied and lived in everyday life.

Respectful communication, managers who know how leadership works properly, how to motivate your employees and sales people who achieve their goals through better customer relations are just some of the positive effects of Insights Discovery on your company. If everyone in the team is working towards the same goals, you will soon see tangible results of the investment in the team building workshop.

Arlo Gonser, Kustom Consulting GmbH owner

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